This week is my first use of that veggie stock that cut my food waste down quite a bit. Pictured is a homemade cream of asparagus, with garlic and lemon juice puree, rare rib-eye, basmati rice pilaf with my jalapeno veggie stock and a parmesan cracker. Normally I don't make cream of asparagus and do just a puree of asparagus juice, which I wanted to try alginating, but I don't have all my tools yet. Here's to hoping you see that next time I post.

Back to cutting food waste... I have since started a repository bag for each week where I put
scraps that aren't edible. These then get collected into the freezer and in another week or two they'll be pulled out and made into a stock. Typically I freeze the stock in ice-trays and then bag it up, makes it easy to portion out what you need for specific meals. Here's an example picture
where I preserved some beer brat stock.
Now I just need a deep freeze.
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