Thursday, February 10, 2011

Chewable Cocktails, the Rare Idea

2 weeks ago I fire off a text message to Zack, who writes the better posts on this site, saying "What if we made our suspended cocktails spheres not so suspended, but actually chewable?" He wrote back stating he already had been thinking the same. I tipped him off to my idea and he shared his. We both agreed they sounded neat in concept. So...

To the upper right is a whisky sour sitting in a lime rind bowl. I cubed lime which was then candied it in lemon and caramelised simple syrup. Afterwards I topped it off with whisky caviar. I at some point said, "I think we've invented a different drink class, cocktails you can chew" and yes, this is much better tasting and more skillful than jello shots. Some google-fu later, I could find nothing on the matter.

Then comes Eben Freeman, Mixologist, I've posted his video below. He makes an amazing White Russian out of Rice Crispies twice dehydrated in Kahlua, served in a cereal bowl with half and half, vodka and some other voodoo. Brilliant idea and more importantly, he invented "chewable cocktails" before we did. He also has a neat Margarita concept which is mostly just a jello shot sitting on top of one of the coolest lime crackers ever. After creating my whisky sour above, I made a toast to Eben and nommed it down.

Enjoy Eben Freeman below :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Coffee and Cream

Coffee and Cream
Originally uploaded by Dash and Mrs. Dash
This one was an easy dessert that turned out very tasty.

The cream is:
1c Cream
1/2c Milk
1 Vanilla Bean cut and scraped
All of that was simmered for 15 minutes.

The coffee was 100ml Cafe Du Monde made in a french press mixed with 3tbps sugar and 1g sodium alginate and dropped into a calcium chloride bath.

Interestingly, some of the balls failed pretty quickly (a trend for me, it seems) but the ones that survived and then stashed in the cream lasted more than an hour.

For fun I also did some Jack Daniel's caviar on top to 'irish it up'.

Only thing left is to add some color to it.

Biscuit Cutter Eggsample

Biscuit cutters make great looking eggs.